We made a trip a little south to the Bob Evans Farm Festival. It was a beautiful warm (almost too warm) day. This was our first trip there in 7 years. We were suprised how much the festival has grown. We didnt get to see everything because the kids got tired, but we saw most of it. It was a nice day.

Painted and decorated cowboy hats on display in the quilt barn. One for every county in Ohio. There are 88 in all. I would have loved to been chosen to decorate the one for our county.
There were tons of crafters, candy apples, maple cotton candy, blacksmith,wagon rides, pony rides, covered wagon rides, ax throwing, log rolling, straw maze, way too much to do. And so much to eat bean soup, sausage sandwichs, hotdogs, ice cream, trail balogna, and the list goes on and on.